Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2015

Phytopreventive effect of Salvia officinalis L. on infertiliy induced by hypothyroidism in male albino rats

Hoda I. Bahr, Abdelaziz E. Ibrahim

Abstract :

The scope of this work is to highlights the mechanism of hypothyroidism induced production of ROS on male reproductive system and enumerate the benefits of Salvia officinalis as an antioxidant in clinical and experimental settings. 30 male albino rats were equally divided into 3 groups (n=10 rats). Group 1 (control) have free access to water and food materials. Group II rendered hypothyroid by giving 0.1% (w/v) of propyl thiouracil (PTU) in drinking water, for 65 days. Group III rendered hypothyroid by giving 0.1% (w/v) of propyl thiouracil (PTU) in drinking water for 65 days in combination with Salvia officinalis extract in drinking water. The results indicated that hypothyroidism when compared with the control group significantly increase reproductive organs weight (testis, prostate and seminal vesicle glands), decrease sperm cell count, decrease sperm motility (%), and increase in dead and abnormal sperm count. also, hypothyroidism increase serum TSH with reduction in T3, T4 and testosterone. The reduced testicular GSH was accompanied with elevation in MDA level and the percentage of DNA fragmentation. Oral administration of sage extract significantly restored all parameters toward the normal values.

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Hoda I. Bahr,Abdelaziz E. Ibrahim Phytopreventive effect of Salvia officinalis to infertiliy induced by hypothyroidism in male albino rats International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 1 January 2015

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