Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2016

Physiological responses and toxic effects of Nickel (Ni) on Cereals

Shweti, Ashok Kumar, A. K. Chaudhry

Abstract :

 In this paper, toxic effects of Ni on plants, in general, have been reviewed. In short, the essential role of Ni has also been described. The increases concentration of Ni2+ inhibits seed germination and seedling growth in different plant species. Ni toxicity symptoms are also associated with chlorosis, necrosis and wilting. The toxicity symptoms generated by nickel include chlorosis, necrosis, inhibition of shoot and root growth and decrease in leaf area. Studies have shown that Ni has a negative effect on photosynthesis. Ni is also retards chlorophyll synthesis. High concentration of Ni interferes with the function of many cellular components, and there by altering the normal metabolism and causing cellular injuries. It may lead to loss in agricultural productivity and hazardous health effects.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Shweti, Ashok Kumar, A.K. Chaudhry Physiological responses and toxic effects of Nickel (Ni) on Cereals International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 3 March 2016

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