Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Physico–chemical characteristics of Telaria water body of the Kaula chaur (wetland) in Begusarai district (Bihar)

Dr. Uttam Kumar, Swapna Choudhary

Abstract :

The district Begusarai, an important district in the state of Bihar lies on the northern bank of river Ganga. It has two important wetland namely Kaula chaur and Bhagwanpur chaur. The Kaula chaur is large water spread area. Telaria is one of the water logged area of Kaula chaur. The total water logging area of Telaria during monsoon is 40 to 50 ha. The physicochemical parameters play a vital role in the wetland ecosystems. The present work is an attempt to elucidate the details of the physico–chemical parameters of Telaria viz. water temperature(WT), transparency of water(TW), pH, dissolved oxygen(DO2 ), free carbon dioxide(FCO2 ), electrical conductivity(EC), total hardness(TH), total alkalinity(TA), phosphate(PO4 3–) and nitrate(NO3 –). Present investigation shows that Telaria’s water has suitable range of WT(16.0 – 33.3°C), alkaline pH(7.12 – 7.93), medium to high level of DO2  (5.4 – 8.9ppm). It represents moderate level of FCO2 (6.0 – 9.5ppm), EC(92 – 132 µs), TH(89 – 136ppm), TA(76 – 112ppm), PO43 –(0.07 – 0.19ppm) and NO3 –(0.08 – 0.22ppm). Present study will help for further strategy for the development of mentioned wetland.

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Dr. Uttam Kumar,Swapna Choudhary Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Telaria Water Body of the Kaula Chaur (Wetland) in Begusarai District (Bihar) International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 11 November 2014

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