Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

Physical health status assessment of female constructions workers

Dr. Rupali Vijaykumar Waghmare, Dr. Vijaykumar R. Waghmare, Dr. Nandkishor . B. Gaikwad

Abstract :


Construction sector is the world’s largest industrial employer with 7% of total world employment & 28 % industrial employment. Construction activity is an integral part of a country’s infrastructure & industrial development. In India, the construction sector is the largest employer of unorganized labour next to the agriculture sector. Around 16 % of India’s working population depends on building construction for its livelihood. Indian construction labour force is estimated at 30 million people; of who about half are women2The present study was conducted to assess the physical health status of female construction workers of coastal areas of Karnataka.

Material and methods:

The core sample for the study comprised 100 females construction workers were 20–40 yrs. The selected construction workers were required to be performing construction activities for at least past 3 years. The tools used for the data collection were an interview schedule, health questionnaire & an observation checklist.

Results and Discussion: –

Reveal that majority of the have the problems of fatigability, & genitor–urinal tract. But at the same time had lower level of problems related to digestive tract & chest congestion. Digestion related problems including cardiovascular system, diarrhoea, acidity & constipation; were also noted. Overall, the results highlight the poor health condition of female construction workers.



The problems of women construction worker in the workplace are one of the major issues in the contemporary social problems. It has various factors to know the problems faced by the women construction workers. This is the time to give awareness about the problems of women construction workers rather than organized workers/professionals. When these levels of factors are equalized, then automatically the problems will be reduced.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. Rupali vijaykumar waghmare, Dr. VijayKumar R. Waghmare, Dr. Nandkishor .B.Gaikwad, Physical health status assessment of female constructions workers, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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