Volume : VI, Issue : IX, September - 2017

Photometric Facial Analysis in Garhwal Region: A Preliminary Study

Panchal Padamjeet, Kumari Rita, Chaturvedi Harish

Abstract :

 Introduction: The face is the most important aspect of human identification. Shape of the human face depends on the structure of the bone and the soft tissue that covers it. Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate vertical and angular photometric norms & to identify sexual dimorphism in Garhwali population. Material & Methods: Study was carried out on 70 Individuals (35 males and 35 females) in the department of Anatomy, of age group between 18 to 25 years. Standardized photographs were taken in natural head position using a digital camera. The vertical and angular measurements were taken and statistical analyses. Results: The lower face was greater than the middle face in both males and females. All vertical measurements were statistically insignificant in gender differentiation. The difference between mean values of nasofrontal angle was found statistically significant in males and females. Conclusions: Garhwali’s have bigger lower face with prominent nose. Glabella is more prominent in males with bigger chin.

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Panchal Padamjeet, Kumari Rita, Chaturvedi Harish, Photometric Facial Analysis in Garhwal Region: A Preliminary Study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-6 | Issue-9 | September-2017

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