Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

Photoelectrochemical properties of chemically deposited Cd1–xMnxS thin films

L. S. Ravangave, S. D. Misal, A. A. Yadav, M. A. Barote

Abstract :

The Photoelectrochemical (PEC) properties of chemically deposited Cd1–xMnx S (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) thin films have been studied to convert solar energy into electrical energy. Cd1–xMnx S acts as photo anode inPhotoelectrochemical cells.PEC cell of configuration Cd1–xMnx S /1M (NaOH+Na2 S+S)/C is faicated to study the I–V characteristics in dark and under illumination and capacitance voltage C–V characteristics in dark at room temperature. The photovoltaic power output curves have been obtained under illumination (20mW/cm2 ). As composition x increases Voc and Isc was also increased and attains maximum at x = 0.6 and decreased thereafter. The power conversion efficiency (η) and fill factor ( ff) are found to be 0.385% and 0.53 respectively for the composition x = 0.6. PEC cell parameters like series and shunt resistances (Rs and Rsh), junction ideality factor and flat band potential (Vfb) were also determined.

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L. S. Ravangave, S. D. Misal, A. A. Yadav, M.A. Barote Photoelectrochemical properties of chemically deposited Cd1-x Mnx S thin films International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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