Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015


Dr. M. Ayisha Millath

Abstract :

 Personal Alienation is “the process of distancing oneself from one‘s own feelings or activities, such as may occur in  mental illness or as a symptom of emotional distress”. The cost of negative feelings such as alienation may be high to  the organization as well as to the individual. Personal alienation affects productivity and reflects social costs incurred in the work place. The  present paper analyzes the personal alienation among LIC employees and the association between personal alienation and social alienation.  The questionnaire is used to elicit data from 250 LIC employees. The collected data were statistically tested by using SPSS software. The findings of the present study reveal that there exists a relationship between personal alienation and social alienation

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Dr. M.AYISHA MILLATH PERSONAL ALIENATION AMONG LIC EMPLOYEES International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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