Volume : IX, Issue : IV, April - 2020


Dr. Kalaivani Gunalan, Dr. Balaji Venkateshwarapuram Rengaswami, Dr. Manikandan Dhanasekaran. , Dr. Rohini Govindasamy

Abstract :

Gingival disease leads to acute or chronic inflammatory reaction, occurring in an intensified manner due to exposure to dental plaque. This is commonly seen in the interdental area and usually extends to the marginal gingiva. The growth occurs slowly without any early clinical findings. There were many confounder factors evident to play the role for such gingival tumefaction to occur. Among various factors, hormonal levels (in perimenopause condition) could pertueberate with local factors can lead to gingival overgrowth. With proper identification and rectification of the etiology, gives us a simple solution for management of gingival hyperplasia of patients. A simple and effective management of such inflammatory gingival overgrowth is regular plaque control by decreasing the bacterial overload and effective nonsurgical periodontal treatment with regular follow up visit to reverse the gingival inflammation and prevent future periodontal destruction.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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PERIMENOPAUSAL GINGIVAL OVERGROWTH: A NEW ALERTING CASE REPORT, Dr. Kalaivani Gunalan, Dr. Balaji Venkateshwarapuram Rengaswami, Dr. Manikandan Dhanasekaran., Dr. Rohini Govindasamy INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-4 | April-2020

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