Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

Perimenopausal Depression and Its Ayurvedic Management

C K Shylaja, Jithesh M, Dr Renuka R Gayal

Abstract :

 As the recent advancements in the medicine came to the forefront, resulting in the augmented life expectancy, one  third of women worldwide are surviving for several years after the menopause. The period of 3 to 4 years around the  menopause is having fluctuating level of hormones and this may lead to physical as well as psychological manifestations in women. Depression ranks most among the recorded psychic symptoms and also the most troubling one, in the perimenopusal clinics. The psycho pharmacological agents are being used, but with caution, for such presentations in the affected. The adverse effects of such medications are always  ahead of the attained results, as per the published studies. In the Ayurvedic parlance, the menstruation and its irregularities are being dealt with utmost seriousness. The lifestyle to be adopted during the menstrual period is itself aimed at preventing the disturbances after the menopause. The menopause has also being narrated as the  rajakshaya, with its general features. The psychological features have to be dealt in accordance with the tridosha base of disease, as per the  clinical presentations and to be managed accordingly. Various medications are being used, with appreciated effects in our clinical practice.  Rajonivritti or menopause seems to be a Vathapitta predominant condition as a whole. But when a perimenopausal woman is also having  depression, the role of the Kapha also comes to the consideration. We have to select a drug or a protocol and manage the condition, accordingly, based on the severity of depression. Here the various psychological associations and their probable management are being discussed  in detail, on the light of clinical presentation. Management including the sodhana, samana, rasayanas, dietary modifications, yoga therapy  etc. is also being discussed here.  

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C K Shylaja, Jithesh M, DR Renuka R Gayal Perimenopausal Depression and Its Ayurvedic Management International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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