Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

Performance of Social Entrepreneurs in Tiruchirappalli District

Dr. C. Paramasivan, T. Kannan

Abstract :

 Social entrepreneurship is one of the emerging areas which are mainly focus on sustainable developments.  The concept of social entrepreneurship is not new to India, but it has been performing in the name of NGO’s.  Social entrepreneurs are individuals with innovative solutions to society’s most pressing social problems. They are ambitious and  persistent, tackling major social issues and offering new ideas for wide–scale change. Rather than leaving societal needs to the Government or business sectors, social entrepreneurs find what is not working and solve the problems by changing the systems, spreading the  solution, and persuading entire societies to take new leaps. This paper is a case study model which mainly focuses on the performance  of select social entrepreneurs in Tiruchirappalli distric

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Dr. C. Paramasivan, T. Kannan Performance of Social Entrepreneurs in Tiruchirappalli District International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 5 MAY 2014

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