Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

Performance of Lead Bank Scheme in the Thane District.

Ms V. R. Jagtap, Dr. G. H. Barhate

Abstract :

For development of Indian economy there is requirement of fulfillment of credit gaps and mobilization of funds and need to provide credit facility to everyone. Reserve Bank of India has taken initiative in development by introducing lead bank scheme in 1969.It has main aim to provide credit for rural area for development of small scale businesses, farming activity and subsequently financial development of that area.The lead bank formulates District Credit Plans for a period of three years and also Annual Credit Plan in December each year. The Lead Bank for Thane District is Bank of Maharashtra.The research study includes study of sector wise credit allocation in Thane district for the year 2009/10 to 2012/13.and study focuses on the activities of lead bank  in Thane.

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Ms V.R.Jagtap, Dr.G.H.Barhate /"Performance of Lead Bank Scheme in the Thane District./International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.3, Issue. 5, May 2014

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