Volume : II, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Performance Evaluation and Optimization of Process Parameters of Urease Enzyme Extracted from Bio–Waste Materials

P. Seshabala, K. Mukkanti

Abstract :

Studies on enzyme activity and optimization of process parameters were carried out in laboratory to determine the enhanced activity of Urease enzyme extracted from different biomaterials which include unwanted inedible seeds. The present study attention was mainly directed to investigate the maximum potency of the Urease activity extracted from unusable inedible seeds disposed as a waste i.e. seeds from different fruits such as Pouteria sapota, Tamarindus indica, Citrullus vulgaris, Citrus limonium and Citrus aurantium. A detailed study of these seeds along with its inner and outer layers were studied for enzyme activity, interestingly it was observed that the enzyme activity of Citrullus vulgaris was found to increase with subsequent time interval. The various process parameters like pH, Temperature, Substrate concentration, Enzyme concentration enhancing the urease activity of Citrullus vulgaris were also studied. The study reveals that the activity of the enzyme was found to be more at a pH 7 and has increased with an increase in substrate concentration. The optimum enzyme concentration was at 0.5% with an optimum temperature of 37 0c. Citrullus urease is for this purpose, distinctly superior than other fruit preparation because it determines urea quantitatively which gives abnormally high values when the sources of urease are used.

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P. Seshabala, K.Mukkanti Performance Evaluation and Optimization of Process Parameters of Urease Enzyme Extracted from Bio-Waste Materials International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013

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