Volume : I, Issue : I, June - 2012

Perception Analysis On Employees Motivation Techniques

Dr. M. Dhanabhakyam, R. Umadevi

Abstract :

It has become commonplace to say that we must study the perceptual process in the context of motivated behavior. The purpose of the present paper will, therefore, be a behavioral i.e. operational analysis of perception on the motivational techniques of employees of Supa Praveen Spinning Mills Pvt Ltd., Coimbatore. Most employees will feel more motivated simply by knowing that their opinion counts and that they are having some kind of input. While all their ideas might not be feasible, you might be surprised at how many could actually save the company time and money as well as naturally motivate the employee to do whatever they can to make the new plan work. A written survey was distributed to employees in work groups. The survey included two sections of employees. One is demographic factors such as age, gender, department, marital status, nature of work, service longevity, educational qualification and the other is their motivational factors such as work environment and inter personnel relation. Many employees felt that their perception on motivation techniques would be improved through additional motivating factors. To analyze the perception level of employees, different statistical tools like percentage, mean score, ANOVA, Chi-Square analysis of SPSS package were used in this study

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Dr. M. Dhanabhakyam, R. Umadevi Perception Analysis On Employees Motivation Techniques International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.I June 2012

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