Volume : III, Issue : IX, September - 2014

Perceived Social Support After Cardiac Diseases and Events: A Systematic Review

Immanuel Paul Vinod. S, Dr. Sheila Christopher

Abstract :

Background: To conduct a systematic review on finding the benefits and pitfalls of social support after a cardiac event Methods: A systematic mixed review approach was carried from, Proquest, PubMed,EBSCO host, springer and science direct. The search strategy was by electronic data base searching and ancestry approach. More than 1500 papers were screened and finally 28 papers which met the inclusion and eligibility criteria were taken into the study. Outcomes: The results of the findings were classified into effects which arise because of low and high social support in patients with chronic heart diseases. Results: Increased social support extended to patients provided better outcomes in terms of reducing depression and anxiety and better quality of life was reported. Medication compliance was better and even recurrence of cardiac events were reduced. Conclusion: The vitality of social support is appreciated after a heart disease. The screening for social support and implementation of various strategies to increase social support should be a part of the cardiac intervention

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Immanuel Paul Vinod. S, Dr. Sheila Christopher Perceived Social Support After Cardiac Diseases and Events: A Systematic Review International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 9 September 2014

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