Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2018

Patterns of anaemia in elderly : A hospital based study in Eastern U.P.

Dr. Neeraj Kumar Singh, Dr. Vatsala Kishore

Abstract :


Background– Anaemia is a common problem in elderly population and can have significant morbidity and mortality .The objective of this study was to assess the clinical and laboratory profile in geriatric population with anaemia and to analyze its various causes.

Materials and methods–It was a hospital based prospective study of one year duration conducted at department of  Pathology,HIMS,Varanasi.146 patients of age 60 years  and above attending the OPD or inpatient wards were included. A thorough clinical evaluation followed by complete blood count, Peripheral blood smear, Bone marrow examination were undertaken. Other relevant tests were also carried out.

Results –The mean age of patients was 67 years.Maximum number of patients belonged to age group of 60–69 years. There was male preponderance with sex ratio of 1.4:1.Anaemia of chronic disease was the commonest cause of geriatric anaemia, most commonly due to chronic kidney disease.It was followed by iron deficiency anaemia in etiology.Most common type of anaemia in morphology was normocytic and normochromic type.

Conclusion–Confirming the patterns and proportion of anaemia is critical to direct the investigation for profiling the etiology since it is well known that the treatment of anaemia goes a long way in improving the overall outcome and quality of life.

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Dr. Neeraj Kumar Singh, Dr.Vatsala Kishore, Patterns of anaemia in elderly : A hospital based study in Eastern U.P., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-2 | February-2018

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