Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Pattern of Adverse Drug Reaction in patient on Anti-tubercular Therapy Reported to ADRs Monitoring Centre in Kumaon Region.

Dr. Bhavana Srivastava, Dr. V. K. Dwivedi, Ms. Gunjita Belwal

Abstract :

Aim / Objective:– To evaluate Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) due to Anti–tubercular Therapy (ATT) in a tertiary care hospital in Kumaon Region.

Introduction:–Tuberculosis is affecting one out of three people worldwide. ADRs due to ATT is one of the major cause of non–compliance, hospitalization, drug withdrawal and financial burden to patient during treatment.

Material and Methods:– It was a retrospective study conducted at tertiary care centre at Dr. Sushila Tiwari Government Medical College Hospital from September 2016 to August 2017.

Results:– Total 235 ADRs were reported from 117 forms out of which 54.70% were males and 45.30% were females. Most common ADR reported was related to GIT (62.12%) followed by dermatological (13.65%) and Central Nervous System (7.59%). WHO causality scale assessed that 75.31% of reaction falls under possible and 20.62% under probable. Most common drug causing ADRs was Pyrazinamide (28.43%) followed by Rifampicin (26.56%) and Isoniazid (19.68%)

Conclusion:–ADRs leads to patient suffering and financial burden. Antitubercular therapy have a high risk of ADR therefore adapting preventive measures and using the therapy rationally and judiciously can decrease the burden of ADRs to society and will benefit the manking.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. Bhavana Srivastava, Dr. V. K. Dwivedi, Ms. Gunjita Belwal, Pattern of Adverse Drug Reaction in patient on Anti–tubercular Therapy Reported to ADRs Monitoring Centre in Kumaon Region., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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