Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2018


Abbas Khalid, Amna Mohamed Ahmed, Mogahid M. A Zidan, Mona Elhaj, Hisham A. Y Gasmallah

Abstract :


Patients are exposed to a significant radiation dose during digital radiography X–ray. In addition, these investigations are subjected to a repetition during patient management more than one time. Due to this irradiation, the sensitive organs (eye lens, thyroid and parathyroid glands) are exposed to a relative high dose which imposes a radiation risks to the patient. This study aim to measure the radiation dose in digital radiography–X–ray, evaluate the effective dose and patient dose risk. Methods: The study was conducted in Radiology department of Sawi Hospital, Doctors clinic Hospital. The study was obtained during the period spanned from Jan 2017up to May 2017. By convenient sampling, 60 patients who were found to have   Patient Dose were recruited and their DR X–ray findings were evaluated. Results: Among the 80 cases of patients with patient dose it was found to be: effective dose of chest .0774 uSv, knee .007935uSv, L/S .022uSv, C/S .008593uSv, Shoulder .005559Sv, Abdomen .246uSv and Thorasic.352uSv were found in 3cases. Conclusion: patient dose structured reports will improve dose managements in digital radiology.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Abbas Khalid, Amna Mohamed Ahmed, Mogahid M.A Zidan, Mona Elhaj, Hisham A.Y Gasmallah, PATIENT DOSE IN DIGITAL X-RAY RADIOGRAPHY, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-2 | February-2018

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