Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

Participatory Market Appraisal(PMA) – a guide to budding Entrepreneurs

Dr. Vijayakumar A. N. , Dr. M S Subhas

Abstract :

Entrepreneurship is often felt as a difficult undertaking, as a vast majority of new businesses fail. The reasons for such failures may be many in number. Ignorance of market is certainly one of the major reasons for the failure of any business thus started. Looking at this point viz, importance of the market orientation necessary for the success of any business, authors in the present article has identified a unique participatory method as a guide to know and understand their market(s) and lead a successful enterprise. The method proposed here is PMA – Participatory Market Appraisal, this could be used as a tool. This article is a substantially a ief note on importance of PMA for the budding entrepreneurs to own a self sustainable businesses.

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Dr. Vijayakumar A. N., Dr. M S Subhas Participatory Market Appraisal(Pma)‾A Guide to Budding Entrepreneurs International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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