Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015


M. Achyutha Kumar Reddy, G. Nithin Kumar Reddy, B. Rajkumar Singh

Abstract :

 In concrete the price of cement is higher than other raw materials of concrete. The population is keep on increasing  but raw materials for making of concrete is not increasing. Present population is enough to get the corresponding raw  materials but, the availability of resources are actually reducing by great extent. This major problem can be solved by replacing the material  to some extent with the advanced or by making the properties alterations to the conventional concrete. The one such method is making the  concrete to increase its volume for the same amount of raw materials. Therefore we get 1.5 times additional output than conventional method.  The present study deals with the collection of data regarding the topic and research. The resultant acquired from this experiment increases  its volume from 1.5 to 2 times of conventional concrete during mixing, before its initial setting time and reaches a stable state which provides  corresponding applications. When the betonite clay is add with cement the it tend to increase that volume to 1.5 times than conventional  method. If polymer balls and sodium bentonite clay mixture add with cement the percentage is highly increasing than conventional methods.  Several experimental samples are being prepared by adding different proportions to cement in varying proportions and drawn respective  conclusions.

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M. Achyutha Kumar Reddy, G. Nithin Kumar Reddy, B. Rajkumar Singh PARTIAL REPLACEMENT OF SODIUM BENTONITE AND POLYMER BALLS IN CEMENT MORTAR International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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