Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016

Parental satisfaction and utilization of services provided by Anganwadis for children under five years – A descriptive study

Mrs. Shaheeja A. S, Mrs. Lija R Nath

Abstract :

 The purpose of the study was to determine the parental satisfaction and utilization of services provided by Anganwadis for under five children. The study was done based on Anderson model of health care utilization. The design selected for the study was descriptive study design. Three hundred subjects were selected from the selected wards of Kallara panchayath, Thiruvananthapuram district using cluster sampling technique. The tools used for the data collection were structured questionnaire to assess socio– personal data, utilization of Anganwadi services and a three point rating scale known as maternal satisfaction scale to assess the satisfaction of mothers regarding Anganwadi services. The findings revealed that fifty nine percentage of mothers were utilizing Anganwadi services for pre–primary education. Majority of the mothers (69.2%) had good satisfaction regarding most of the Anganwadi services. There was significant association between maternal satisfaction scores and selected Sociopersonal variables like birth order of the child and number of children (P < 0.01). From the study it is clear that majority of the services provided were with high quality ie; 69.2% of mothers expressed good satisfaction. Only health education and health checkup facilities should be strengthened.

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Mrs. Shaheeja A.S, Mrs. Lija R Nath Parental satisfaction and utilization of services provided by Anganwadis for children under five years‾A descriptive study International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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