Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Pap Smear Study of Cervical Cytology

Dr. Yogita. M. Patel, Dr. R. N. Gonsai

Abstract :

Aims & Objectives: To study the inflammatory lesion of cervix,to detect cervical cancer and its precancerous lesion at an early stage by pap smear examination, to find out the incidence of various cervical lesions. Materials and Methods: The female patients above the age of 20 years attending the gynecology opd with complaints such as bleeding per vaginum, leucorrhea, something coming out per vaginum etc. Were selected for the study. After taking patients consent the cervical scrap smear was collected by using a sterile ayre’s spatula. The material obtained on the spatula was immediately smeared on prellabelled glass slide to form a monolayer thick smear. Immediately the slides were fixed in fixative before drying. The slides were allowed to dry and staining were done by rapid pap method. Observation: Study was done in 200 patients.out of 200cases examined by pap smear, 9.5% inadequate, 22% normal, 4% atrophic changes, 47% inflammatory lesion, 6.5% ASCUS, 3.5% LSIL, 7% HSIL, 0.5% AGUS found. Conclusion: From pap smear screening method awareness increased in patients. There is long latent period in cervical cancer and found most common in 30–39 age groups. So by screening method it can be detected in precancerous stage at an early age and its progression prevented

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Dr. Yogita. M. Patel,Dr. R. N. Gonsai Pap Smear Study of Cervical Cytology International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 11 November 2014

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