Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Ovarian Volume by Transvaginal Sonography in the Prediction of Ovarian Response to Ovulation Induction

Dr. Nisha Kanchan, Dr. Latha. B

Abstract :

• Background: The objective of the study was to examine co-relation between pre-induction ovarian volume measurement by transvaginal ultrasound and ovarian response in terms of number of follicles, size of follicles and endometrial response. The relationship of ovarian volume to women’s age was also studied. • Methods: 50 cases were randomly selected. On 3rd day of menstrual cycle, transvaginal ultrasonographic evaluation was done and ovarian volume calculated using ellipsoid formula. Ovulation was induced using clomiphene citrate from day 3 to day 7 of cycle. Post induction ovarian response was measured using number of follicles, size of follicles and endometrial thickness(m.m) using follow up scan on 12th day and scan was repeated on 14th day if adequate response was not seen. • Results: The maximum mean volume of smaller ovary and mean total ovarian volume of 5.1+/- 2.3 and 10.7+/- 4.9 respectively was seen in patients < 30 years. As TOV increased , the mean number of follicles increased significantly. As volume of smaller ovary and TOV increased , the number of patients with endometrial thickness>8 mm also increased. • Conclusion: As age increased volume of smaller ovary and total ovarian volume decreased. Ovarian volume correlates well with post induction parameters like number of follicles and endometrial thickness.

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Dr. Nisha kanchan, Dr. Latha.B Ovarian Volume by Transvaginal Sonography in the Prediction of Ovarian Response to Ovulation Induction International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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