Volume : VI, Issue : III, March - 2017

Ovarian mass with Pregnancy.

Apexa S. Patel, Deepak A. Desai

Abstract :

                    The incidence of ovarian and adnexal masses in pregnancy appears to be apparently  increasing with the expanding use of antenatal ultrasound. Persisting adnexal masses can lead to complications, and may (rarely) require emergency, or elective surgical resection. (the optimal surgical window being around 16 to 20 weeks of gestation).                   This is case study of  ovarian mass and pregnancy. All 3 patients were operated at different time of pregnancy for ovarian mass. Histopothology and outcome of pregnancy was seen. Results: Out of 3, 2 patients were diagnosed pregnancy with ovarian mass in 2nd trimester and 1 was diagnosed in 3rd trimester. Patients who were diagnosed in 2nd trimester were operated in 2nd trimester and who was diagnosed in 3rd trimester, was operated after delivery. All patients had mucinous cyst adenoma. Conclusion: Risk of torsion, rupture, or obstruction, immediate surgery is preferable,  considering  gestational age, to make a provision for commensurate  foetal  growth , providing adequate space in peritoneal cavity,  of  course , with due risk of abortion or provoked prematurity and fetal morbidity, to be kept in mind.

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Apexa S. Patel, Deepak A. Desai, Ovarian mass with Pregnancy., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-3 | MARCH‾2017

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