Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2016

Ovarian Hormones Causing Chromosomal Aberrations Producing Behavioural Teratogenicity in Female Youngsters––Reason of Prepubertal Age Girl Being Respected as Goddess.

Dr. Keshaw Kumar

Abstract :

<p> In order to know the reason of prepubertal age girl being respected as Goddess, chromosomal and behavioural study was performed in female youngsters belonging to prepubertal, pubertal and postpubertal age groups. It was observed that chromosomal aberrations were 3.36% in prepubertal age group, 7.14% in pubertal age group and 10.84% in post pubertal age group. Truthfulness, honesty, wisdom, perineal hygiene, faithfulness, loyalty were +++ in prepubertal age group ++ in pubertal age group and + in postpubertal age group while courage for bad things cowardness, moneymindedness, doubtfulness, confidentiality, cunningness were + in prepubertal age group ++ in pubertal age group and +++ in postpubertal age group. It was concluded that increase in chromosomal aberrations during pubertal and postpubertal age was caused by ovarian hormones which were absent in prepubertal age. Behavioural teratogenicity during pubertal and postpubertal age was produced due to increased chromosomal aberrations. Therefore reason of prepubertal age girl being respected as Goddess is absence of ovarian hormones, minimum chromosomal aberrations and minimum behavioural teratogenicity in her.</p>

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Dr. Keshaw Kumar Ovarian Hormones Causing Chromosomal Aberrations Producing Behavioural Teratogenicity in Female Youngsters––Reason of Prepubertal Age Girl Being Respected as Goddess. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 3 March 2016

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