Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016

Outcomes of pelvic support osteotomy by ilizarov technique in various hip conditions.

Dr Mukesh N Shah, Dr Josal S Patel

Abstract :

 Hip disorders are quite common in orthopaedics practice. Hip disorders causing joint destruction, producing joint unstability, sequele of septic hip etc. in various age groups as well as congenital & developmental conditions giving rise to unsound hip joint function. This is manifested by pain in hip, limp, limb length discrepancy (LLD) & altered biomechnics of hip. In order to give painless, mobile & stable hip with address to LLD pelvic support osteotomy with ilizarov’s modification is a very useful tool. It contains valgus & extension subtrochenteric osteotomy with distal femoral corticotomy which is distracted. This solves all problems of limp, reduced mobility, LLD & allows squatting, sitting cross legged which is unique to pso in comparison to replacement. We did pso with ilizarov’s technique in 14 patients having different hip conditions. Over serial followup we got excellent results in form of absent trendelenberg gait, improved harris hip score, no LLD, ability to sit crossed leg & squat. The study was done to assess whether this technique can successfully treat various hip disorders in all age groups demanding surgical intervention & the results were encouraging

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Dr Mukesh N Shah, Dr Josal S Patel Outcomes of Pelvic Support Osteotomy by Ilizarov Technique in Various Hip Conditions. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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