Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015


Dr. Pratik Patel, Dr. Tejas Patel, Dr. Sejal Patel

Abstract :

background: To get better out come in distal femur fracture we need to complete anatomic restoration of the joint surface, rigid fixation without external immobilisation, atraumatic reduction of the metaphysis fracture with restoration of femoral length and alignment, adequate support of the metaphysis and early mobilisation. Various types of internal fixation have been developed for this purpose. We observeoutcomes following the use of locking plate. objective:– . To studytheefficacy,technical requirements, functional results, radiological results, pitfalls, complications&out comes. Materials and methods: Westudiedprospectively all patient came atDepartmentof Orthopaedics, SMIMER, SURAT withdistalfemurfracturesandweretreatedwithdistalfemur lockingcompression plate (DF– LCP)in 2yr.Allthesepatientswereincludedwithpredefined inclusion &exclusion criteriain this study. All thepatients underwentsurgical fixation and followed. Outcome was based on surgical method and addressed according to NEER’Scriteria for functional outcome. Results: In our study Neer’s scorerangedfrom59 – 94andthe meanneer’s scorewas 82.4. Final analysis oftheNeer’s scoreshowed 50% (15 patients)were excellent,43.33% (13 patients)weresatisfactoryi.e., in 93.33%results were found to be excellent to satisfactoryafter usig locking plate and 2 patients had unsatisfactory result.In our study average neer‘s score for AO type A was 81.85, and for AO type C 82.87. Conclusion: Thenewfixationsystemoffersmany fixation possibilities and had proven its worth in complex fracture situations especially in extensivecommunition offemoralcondyleswithintra–articularinvolvementwhereotherfixation devices wereincompetent. Time tounionwasfo undtoincreasewithincreaseinage(p=0.00,statisticallysignificant)and canbeimprovedby earlyadequatefixation,primary bonegraftingandimmediate postoperative mobilization.

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Dr. Pratik Patel, Dr. Tejas Patel, Dr. Sejal Patel Outcome of Patients Having Distal End Femur Fracture Treated With Locking Plate International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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