Volume : VI, Issue : VII, July - 2017

Outcome of Firearm injuries in tertiary care in north India

Dr Dinesh Kumar, Dr Rajesh Kumar, Dr Sanjay Kumar

Abstract :

 Gun is favored weapon for assault and defense. Incidence of firearm injuries increasing due to easy availability of arm and ammunition and deterioration of moral values with lack of proper law enforcement. Most of the patients with firearm injury were belong to age group 21–30 years (31.43%). The maximum numbers of firearm injury noted in male patients 81.43%.In this study majority 65.71% of patients with firearm injury were belongs to rural areas.Most of the firearm victims (45.71%) were arrived to the hospital in 2–3 hours.In this study, majority of cases reaching to the hospital without taking any Ist aid.

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Dr Dinesh Kumar, Dr Rajesh Kumar, Dr Sanjay Kumar, Outcome of Firearm injuries in tertiary care in north India, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-7 | JULY-2017

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