Volume : VI, Issue : XI, November - 2017

Osteopontin levels in the GCF of healthy, chronic gingivitis and chronic periodontitis patients

Sharon Sylvia Dulapalli, Santha Kumari Prathypati

Abstract :


The purpose of the present study was to determine the levels of osteopontin in GCF of healthy, chronic gingivitis and chronic periodontitis subjects and to investigate the relationship between GCF osteopontin levels between healthy and diseased subjects and to explore the possibility of using OPN in GCF as a biomarker of periodontal destruction


Total of 45  subjects  were  divided  into  three  groups based on MGI,PPD,CAL  and radiographic evidence of bone loss.

Group–1    (healthy) n=15

Group –2    (chronic gingivitis) n=15

Group –3 (chronic periodontitis) n=15

 GCF samples were collected by micro papillary pipettes from each subject and the samples were quantified for osteopontin using enzymatic immunometric assay

RESULTS: The results in the present study showed an increase in GCF osteopontin levels in chronic periodontitis compared to healthy controls and chronic gingivitis. Significant difference was found to be between GCF osteopontin (OPN) levels in chronic gingivitis and chronic periodontitis patients.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Sharon Sylvia Dulapalli, Santha kumari Prathypati, Osteopontin levels in the GCF of healthy, chronic gingivitis and chronic periodontitis patients, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-6 | Issue-11 | November-2017

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