Volume : V, Issue : VII, July - 2016

Osteomalacia in a young lactating mother presenting as bilateral hip pain: a case report.

Dr. Nihal. R. Rai, Dr. H. Ravindranath Rai

Abstract :

 Osteomalacia is a generalised condition characterised by softening of the bones caused by defective mineralisation of bone secondary to inadequate availability of calcium and phosphorus or due to increased resorption of calcium from bone secondary to hyperparathyroidism. It may manifest as diffuse body pains, muscle weakness and bony fragility. The most common cause is deficiency of vitamin D which is normally obtained from diet or from exposure to sunlight. Here we present a rare case of osteomalacia in 31 year old lady who was admitted with complaints of low back pain 20 days after she delivered a healthy baby. The radiographs of her hip and spine were normal and she was diagnosed to have osteomalacia by noting the reduced hydroxyl–vitamin D levels.

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Dr. Nihal.R.Rai, Dr. H.Ravindranath Rai Osteomalacia in a young lactating mother presenting as bilateral hip pain: a case report. International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 7|July 2016

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