Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2015


Ravi Kumar M, Amrut Mahabalshetti

Abstract :

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The leading cause of death in Organophosphorus poisoning is respiratory failure, which results from a combination of respiratory muscle weakness, central respiratory depression, increased onchial secretions, onchospasm and pulmonary edema. A substantial number of deaths can be prevented with timely institution of ventilator support. The present study was undertaken to identify the factors, which help in predicting the need for ventilator support and monitoring in the ICU. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES : To predict the need for ventilator support in organophosphate poisoning. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 100 consecutive patients of Organophosphorus poisoning admitted to tertiary care centre at north Karnataka from December 2006 to June 2008 were studied. Patients were selected irrespective of age or sex. A provisional diagnosis of Organophosphorus poisoning was made on the basis of a definite history of Organophosphorus poisoning by patient or attenders. This was substantiated by examination of the container, when available. The diagnosis was further substantiated by typical clinical features (hypersalivation, miosis and fasciculations) and characteristic odour of stomach wash or vomitus. RESULTS: Of 100 patients, 14 required assisted ventilation. The need for ventilator support was significantly more with greater time duration of institution of specific treatment, low level of sensorium at admission, pin point pupils, generalized fasciculations, presence of convulsions and presence of respiratory insufficiency at admission. CONCLUSION: The ventilator support in organophosphorus poisoning patients decreases the mortality reduces duration of hospitalisation secondary to organophosphorus related respiratory failure

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Ravi Kumar M, Amrut Mahabalshetti ORGANOPHOSPHATE POISOINING: PREDICTING THE NEED FOR VENTILATORY SUPPORT International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 3 March 2015

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