Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

Organizational Role Stress In CSR

Sunder Arumugam, K. Selvarajan

Abstract :

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and interactions with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis. It is a culture that promotes a responsible external social behaviour as well as their internal responsibility towards their workforce. Their major role is to satisfy the management on one side and the community on the other side and family on an all together another side. People involved in CSR are left between the deep sea and the devil. Anything which is pertaining to human beings is always very tough to deal with and CSR revolves only around community people making things very stressful. Work related stress refers to those risks that have potential for harming psychosocial or physical harms. Health itself is seen as a primary business and hence people tend to forget that the health of the employees often strongly influence business. Given this attitude and the lack of concern to overcome the work related stress (Stress Management) among the employees take them to a difficult situation and find it very hard to come back. Values and ethical dilemmas related to work and psycho social issues can easily be integrated into CSR approaches. And this cannot be achieved by individual and collective learning process.Therefore, the authors have made an attempt to highlight the present scenario of Role Stress in CSR. 

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Sunder Arumugam, K.Selvarajan /Organizational Role Stress In CSR /International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.3, Issue. 5, May 2014

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