Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2014

Organic Coconut Cultivation in India–Problems & Prospects

K. Kalidas, M. Darthiya, P. Malathi, Limitha Thomas

Abstract :

India has 2.4% of global area, which supports 16% of world human population and 17% of cattle population. Agricultural and allied activities contribute 29% of GDP and employ 69% of total work force (Source: Kisan world, May 2005). Green revolution has been a greatest success story and has ought a spectacular increase in production and productivity in the country. But after initial success, the scenario has changed today with the quest of short terms gains without due consideration of long term sustainability resources particularly soil, water and environment have all now overstrained, and are getting increasingly depleted. Now the concern is to sustain the agricultural and particularly crop production and productivity and take this agriculture sector to frontier without damaging the resources and environment.This results to an alternative system by an optimal, balanced efficient and scientific management of land, water, biodiversity and external inputs. Hence, the system organic farming comes into the scenario

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K.Kalidas, M. Darthiya, P. Malathi, Limitha Thomas / Organic Coconut Cultivation in India Problems & Prospects / International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.3, Issue.6 June 2014

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