Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

Oral Lesions of Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid a Cautionary Signal for Skin Manifestations, later Pemphigus Vulgaris

Anilkumar L Bhoweer, Sudarshan G Ranpise

Abstract :

 Pemphigus is chronic autoimmune disease characterised by formation of vesicles and bulla. It is commonly seen involving skin and mucosa. Oral mucosa is more common than any other mucosa. Conjunctiva also can be seen affecting eyes. There are four varieties of pemphigus, that is, P. Vulgaris, P. Vegetans, P. Foliaceous and P. Erythematous.


Pemphigus basically is an autoimmune disease and antibodies are present in the intercellular substance of prickle cell layer, causing loss of cell adhesion causing Acantholysis and separation of epithelium from basement memane, leading to bulla formation and presence of Tzank cells is diagnostic of Pemphigus and requires early attention & treatment to avoid further risk to life.

Two patients with initial oral bullous lesion ulcers are reported, with treatment. The patients were comfortable with steroid oral cream & tapering systemic doses and follow–up. Both of them later had skin lesions which were referred to Physicians &treated by skin specialists for treatment with history of oral pemphigoid lesions and were happy with relief. 

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Anilkumar L Bhoweer, Sudarshan G Ranpise, Oral Lesions of Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid a Cautionary Signal for Skin Manifestations, later Pemphigus Vulgaris, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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