Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015


Adriana Maria Monea, K. Ivacson A. Csinszka, Adina Cosarca, Gabriela Beresescu

Abstract :

Any alteration in the function of endocrine glands may induce periodontal alterations. The aim of our study was to evaluate the oral health status of newly diagnosed patients with thyroid disorders, by measuring plaque, gingival inflammation, calculus and CPITN indices. Material and methods. We evaluated 70 patients with endocrine disorders (34 cases of hyperthyroidism, 36 cases of hypothyroidism). We recorded all personal data giving special attention to the general health status, endocrine disease and dental history for each patient. On clinical examination the aspect of oral soft tissues, gingiva, the code for plaque, calculus, gingival bleeding and CPITN indices we carefully evaluated. Results. In the group of patients with hyperthyroidism, there were different levels of periodontal disease, 19 of the subjects being with aspects of irreversible tissue destructions. For the patients with hypothyroidism, the severe periodontal disease was noted in only 12 cases. Conclusions. In hyperthyroidism, the aspect of periodontal inflammation was mild, with irreversible tissue destruction noted in 56% of the cases. In hypothyroidism the alterations were less important, as only 33% of the patients had signs of periodontal alterations.

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Adriana Maria Monea, K.Ivacson A.Csinszka, ADINA COSARCA, GABRIELA BERESESCU Oral Health Status in Patients with Thyroid Disorders International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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