Volume : VIII, Issue : I, January - 2019

Oral Health Care and Awareness

Tanvi Chaturvedy, Dr. Vikram Jhamb, Vivek Chaturvedy

Abstract :

 Abstract : Oral health is an important part of our general health but it’s importance is underestimated  and the reason behind this people are unaware about relationship between oral health and general health so the main purpose of this article is to know about the causative factors of oral health problems and the measures that determines the good oral hygiene

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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ORAL HEALTH CARE AND AWARENESS, Tanvi Chaturvedy, Dr.Vikram Jhamb, Vivek Chaturvedy INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-1 | January-2019

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