Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Oral Fungal Infections–An Insight Into Its Microbiological Laboratory Diagnosis

Dr. Arnaw Kishore, Dr. Bhuvan Nagpal, Dr. Usha Hegde, Dr. M N Sumana

Abstract :

Oral cavity, the gateway to the body is occupied by lot of microbes which act as commensals and maintain an

oral biome. Recent advances in medical & dental science, with the help of microbiological tools have helped us to
identify a lot of these microbes and also to distinguish between commensals and pathogens. This has helped the oral health care professionals
(OHCPs) all over the world in better diagnosis, management and higher patient satisfaction rate. The diagnosis of fungal disease is a multidisciplinary approach requiring cooperation and collaboration of many people with diverse expertise. Due to its difficulty in sample collection, poor sensitivity and prolonged time required for conventional procedure, attention has been drawn to the non culture based diagnostic
techniques. The main goal of a clinical mycology laboratory is to isolate efficiently and to identify accurately the suspected etiological agent
of fungal infection. OHCPs play a crucial role in the diagnosis and management of oral fungal diseases. Therefore, an adequate knowledge is
pivotal in recognizing and diagnosing the various kinds of oral fungal infections for better management of patients.

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Dr. Arnaw Kishore, Dr. Bhuvan Nagpal, Dr. Usha Hegde, Dr. M N Sumana Oral Fungal Infections–an Insight Into Its Microbiological Laboratory Diagnosis International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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