Volume : I, Issue : II, July - 2012

Optimization Process in manufacturing of Reactive dye

J. R. Vadher

Abstract :

There is no denying the fact that dyestuff industry is the major growth driver all around especially in the textile and chemical industries in the country. Reactive dyes are important in dyeing textiles because they are unequally in their ability to confer ight wet fast shades on cotton faic. India is one of the major supplier of the dyes and dye intermediates from the Asian region and can meet the requirements of the world at large provided adequate incentives and facilities are made available. ?e dye industry achieved growth rate of 15% during last year. India‘s share in the world market is estimated at 5–6%. ?e Share of Gujarat in all Indian export is about 60%. ?e major markets for Indian dyestuff are the European country, USA, South Korea, Hong Kong. Manufacturer are suffering due to competition in market by the other country like china, so to with stand with them it is necessary to optimize the manufacturing process either Production cost ,Raw material cost or Energy cost which is the ultimate way to stand in competitive market. Fiber reactive dyes are commonly employed for textile dying; the use of these dyes can introduce high costs and environmental concerns. For example, their fixation levels can be as low as 50% and high salt levels are typically needed to achieve desired shades. ?us, a mechanism for increasing fixation and exhaustion efficiencies in an economical way would enhance the value of these dyes to the textile industry. With these points in mind, studied waste minimization in Manufacturing of Reactive Dye. Specifically, the reactivity and affinity of Reactive Blue dye.

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J. R. Vadher Optimization Process in manufacturing of Reactive dye International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 1, Issue : 7 July 2012

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