Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

On Square Sum Chain Graphs whose Blocks are Complete Graphs

Reena Sebastian, K. A Germina

Abstract :

A (p,q)-graph G is said to be square sum, if there exists a bijection f:V(G)→{0,1,2,...,p-1} such that the induced function f*:E(G) →N defined by f*(uv)=(f(u))2 + (f(v))2, for every uv∈ E(G) is injective. Barrientos [2] defines a chain graph as one with blocks B1, B2, B3, … ,Bm such that for every i , Bi and Bi+1 have a common vertex in such a way that the block cut point graph is a path. In this paper the problem of which chain graph whose blocks are complete graphs are square sum is studied.

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Reena Sebastian, K.A Germina On Square Sum Chain Graphs whose Blocks are Complete Graphs International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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