Volume : III, Issue : I, January - 2014

On Clique Matrix in the Formation of a Government

Adil Akhtar, Arun Kumar Baruah

Abstract :

The clique problem refers to any of the problems related to finding particular complete sub graphs (cliques) in a graph, i.e., sets of elements where each pair of elements is connected. Let us consider a social network, where the graph’s vertices represent people, and the graph’s edges represent mutual acquaintance. Along with its applications in social networks, the clique problem also has many applications in bioinformatics and computational chemistry [3]. Although complete subgraphs have been studied for longer in mathematics [2], the term clique and the problem of algorithmically listing cliques both come from the social sciences, where complete subgraphs are used to model social cliques, groups of people who all know each other. The clique terminology comes from Luce & Perry (1949), and the first algorithm for solving the clique problem is that of Harary & Ross (1957), who were motivated by the sociological applications.

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Adil Akhtar, Arun Kumar Baruah On Clique Matrix in the Formation of a Government International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.I January 2014

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