Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2014

On Analysis of Two–way ANOVA using Data Transformation Techniques

Maidapwad S. L, Dr. Sananse S. L

Abstract :

Generally most of the researchers use ANOVA technique considering normality in data, However, it is observed that many times data are not normal and violates assumptions of normality. In such cases data are analyzed using ANOVA and the significance of treatment may differ & recommendations of the experiments may change.This paper has thrown a light on this problem and presented here the consequences of the problem. In such cases data transformation may be one of the remedy for such problem. Here in this paper an attempt has been made to compare appropriate transformed data with normal ANOVA techniques and how significance of the treatment affects the recommendations of the experiment have been critically examined and consequences have been reported. The results are supported by numerical data. Some recommendationsbased on the present study are discussed. Further , the results obtained by these methods are compared and recommended.

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Dr. Sananse S. L,Maidapwad S.L On Analysis of Two-way ANOVA using Data Transformation Techniques International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 11 November 2014

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