Volume : V, Issue : VII, July - 2016


Dr N. A Krishnamurthy, Mrs S. Jagatheeswari

Abstract :

 Occupational stress has become one of the most serious health issues in the modern world, as it occurs in any job and is even more present than decades ago. The recognition of the harmful physical and psychological effects of stress on both individuals and organizations is widely studied in many parts of the world. The objectives framed for the present study formed the basis of the identification of the relevant statistical techniques such as Percentage analysis and Multiple regression The demographics such as age, gender, educational qualification, experience, income, etc. are taken into consideration to compare with the contributing factors for stress such as Emotional Exhaustion, Vulnerability, Physical Fitness, Organizational Commitment, Sociability, Emotional Stability, Health and finally, Relationship which are considered to be the determinants to measure the level of stress among the employees of select Textile mills in Coimbatore.

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Dr N.A Krishnamurthy, Mrs S.Jagatheeswari OCCUPATIONAL STRESS AMONG EMPLOYEES OF TEXTILE INDUSTRIES IN COIMBATORE DISTRICT International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 7 | July 2016

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