Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2018

Objective functional shoulder outcomes following radical neck dissection : A prospective descriptive study

Dr Himanshu Bhayana, Anurgini Gupta, Dr Rohit Pandey, Dr P K Rathore, Dr Harsh Singh, Dr Rahul Yogendra Raj, Dr Suryaprakash D

Abstract :

 Introduction: Radical neck dissection plays a major role in management of cervical metastasis in head and neck oncology. Radical neck dissection

causes marked functional shoulder disability due to sacrifice of spinal accessory nerve. Classical neck dissection causes shoulder syndrome in up to
60 % of the cases. To the best of our knowledge, there is no data so far which compares various objective shoulder assessments following the radical
neck dissection. Hence this study was conducted.
Material and methods: This prospective descriptive study was conducted from May 2016 to November 2017 in 20 patients with biopsy proven
head and neck malignancy. The exclusion criteria were 1: Preoperative chemotherapy or radiotherapy, 2: Recurrent cases 3: History of adhesive
capsulitis or trauma or surgical intervention to the shoulder. DASH score, ASES score and SST score were obtained preoperatively and one month
following radical neck dissection.
Results: 15 were Male (75%) and 5 were females (25%).The average age of the patients was 59.15 (48–71 yrs) range. The average DASH scores in
the post–operative patients was 42.5 and the average ASES score was 47.65. The average SST was 5.45.
Conclusion: Shoulder dysfunction is caused by trapezius deficit due to various degree of dysfunction of spinal accessory nerve. It is regrettable that
a procedure designed to save life affects the quality of life as evidenced by postoperative worsening in various shoulder scores. Owing to
hampering effects following radical neck dissection has rightfully directed the emergence of nerve spå procedures such as selective and super
selective neck dissection.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr Himanshu Bhayana, Anurgini Gupta, Dr Rohit Pandey, Dr P K Rathore, Dr Harsh Singh, Dr Rahul Yogendra Raj, Dr Suryaprakash D, Objective functional shoulder outcomes following radical neck dissection : A prospective descriptive study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-6 | June-2018

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