Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

Obesity Profile in Medical Community of Western India

Kailash Chandra, Raj Kamal, Agrawal Rp, Sirohi Parmendra

Abstract :

 Background– obesity is among the most ignored health problem entity and is not only a single disease but also cluster of future co morbidities.

India is trending for obesity epidemic zone.
Methods: It was a cross sectional study with 390 participants, done in Bikaner. Detailed physical examination was done with body mass index
(BMI) calculation and abdominal circumference measurement. Obesity measures were taken in Indian context.
Results– Generalized obesity (GO) was observed in 172 cases (44.1%) cases, abdominal obesity (AO) was found in 200 cases (51.28%) cases .
Combined (CO) was seen in 154 cases (39.49%) cases. Isolated generalized obesity (IGO) and overweight were encountered in 42 cases (10.8%)
and 117 cases(30%) respectively. The results were significantly higher in comparison to overall Indian obesity prevalence, even more than the
urban population.
Conclusion– Obesity is significantly higher in medical community and life style factors are the main predictors.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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KAILASH CHANDRA, RAJ KAMAL, AGRAWAL RP, SIROHI PARMENDRA, Obesity Profile in Medical Community of Western India, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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