Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015


Ms. Purnima Bairagi

Abstract :

The nutritional status of children clearly has an impact on their health and development– physical, mental and social. Assessment of nutritional status helps to find out the magnitude of malnutrition among under five children. The present study was conducted to assess the nutritional status among under five children in selected urban and rural Anganwadis of Bhopal city. The comparative descriptive design was used. Totally 50 samples from urban and 50 from rural Anganwadis were selected by using convenient sampling technique. Result: In urban Anganwadis 2% of under five children had normal nutritional status , 20% had I degree malnutrition, 40% had II degree malnutrition, 26% had third degree of malnutrition and 12% of children had IV degree malnutrition. In rural Anganwadis none of the children had normal nutritional status, 2% had I degree malnutrition, 22% had II degree malnutrition, 60 % had III degree malnutrition and 16% of children had IV degree malnutrition. On association with demographic variables, no significant association was found between the under five children coming from urban and rural Anganwadis.

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Ms. Purnima Bairagi Nutritional Status Among Under Five Children in Urban, Rural Anganwadis International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015

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