Volume : VI, Issue : XI, November - 2017

Nutritional Status among Adolescent Girls in Tea Gardens of Dibrugarh District of Assam

Dr. Benudhar Nath, Dr. Ms. Ratna Sarma

Abstract :

 Adolescence is characterized by rapid growth and development; physiologically, psychologically and socially. Among adolescents, girls are more vulnerable due to various adverse socio–cultural and economic reasons. The present study has been undertaken with the following aims and objectives

1.    To assess the nutritional status of adolescent girls residing in the tea gardens of Diugarh district, Assam.

2.    To ascertain the factors influencing nutritional status of adolescent girls residing in the defined study area.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A community based, cross–sectional study was conducted over a period of one year in tea gardens of Diugarh district, Assam. A total of 370 adolescent girls were selected through multistage sampling procedure. Data was collected by interviewing the adolescent girls using predesigned and pre tested Proforma. Statistical analysis was done using Percentage, Mean, and Chi–square test.

RESULTS: The prevalence of thinness and stunting among adolescent girls were 29.19% and 50.27% respectively. A significant association was observed between stunting and educational status of parents (p<0.05). 1.08% of the adolescent girls were found to be overweight. Other nutritional deficiency disorders were pallor (94.05%), angular stomatitis (35.13%), goitre (2.43%) etc.

  CONCLUSION: It is concluded that there is a high prevalence of under nutrition among adolescent girls in the tea gardens of Diugarh district of Assam. Health education and nutrition interventions are needed on priority basis.   

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Dr. Benudhar Nath, Dr. (Ms.) Ratna Sarma, Nutritional Status among Adolescent Girls in Tea Gardens of Dibrugarh District of Assam, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-6 | Issue-11 | November-2017

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