Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

Novel Approach on Implementing IMA Computer for Airborne Application

T. Lakshmi

Abstract :

Airframers are trying hard to reduce the weight and power consumption for their new aircraft. Trend in avionics system architecture is towards general-purpose avionics computers, which are defined as platforms. A platform in itself is not performing any avionics function, but provides communication, computing and memory resources to the avionics (software) applications .This is something similar to a desktop PC providing a required resource (hardware, communication, memory, operating system services) to the applications. This paper presents how to implement the platform or common processing module an d establish the communication between the common processing modules (CPMs) as well as to the Input output(IO) Interface modules.

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T. Lakshmi Novel Approach on Implementing IMA Computer for Airborne Application International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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