Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015

Non–descent Vaginal Hysterectomy: Safety and Feasibility

Dr. Arti J. Patel, Dr. Charmi K. Pawani

Abstract :

<p>Aims and objectives:To study the role of non descentvaginal hysterectomy(NDVH) in advancing gynecologypractice and to study the safety, feasibility,indications of surgery, age group and parity, postoperative complications, morbidity, mortality and patient compliance. Methods:A hospital based cross sectional descriptive study of 50 cases was conducted at the department of obstetrics and gynecology in a tertiary care level hospital affiliated to medical college, over a period of two years. All patients requiring hysterectomy with benign gynecological disorders of the uterus without descent were taken up for the study, provided the uterus was mobile, its size did not exceed 16 weeks gestational age and there was adequate vaginal access.Vaginal hysterectomy was done in usual manner.Data regarding age, parity, uterine size ,estimated blood loss, length of operation, complication and hospital stay were recorded. Results:Among all major gynecological surgeries,70% surgeries were hysterectomy.A total of 50 cases were selected for non–descent vaginal hysterectomy.Among 50 cases of NDVH 76% patients operated for NDVH alone, rest 12 patients had undergone adjuvant surgical procedures along with total vaginal hysterectomy. DUB(32%) and fioid(22%) were common indications. Commonest age group was (40–49 years) i.e. 62%. 74% patients were multipara. Majority of the patients had no operative difficulties. Per–operative complications were minimal. Blood transfusions were required only for anemia. Post–operative complications were minimal. Hospital stay was comparatively shorter. Morbidity was low and there was no mortality. Conclusion:Non descent vaginal hysterectomy is the natural, safe and feasible route ofhysterectomy. A trained gynecologist can safely perform vaginal hysterectomy in indicatedand properly selected patients without genitalprolapse. It is safe to do NDVH than abdominal orlaparoscopic hysterectomy in medically high riskpatients and where there is lack of endoscopy facility, trained medical, paramedical staff, skilled anestheticstaff, and lack of postoperative monitoring and it isalso cost effective. For successful outcome size of uterus, size in all dimensions and location of fioid should be taken into consideration.Today in the era of minimally invasive surgery, nondescent vaginal hysterectomy needs to be considered and seems to be a safe option.</p>

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Dr. Arti J. Patel, Dr. Charmi k. Pawani Non-descent Vaginal Hysterectomy: Safety and Feasibility International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015

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