Volume : VIII, Issue : II, February - 2019

New frontiers in Community Acquired pneumonia: Garenoxacin mesylate

Payel Bhattacharji, Krishnaprasad Korukonda, Hanmant Barkate, Janani Mishma

Abstract :

Garenoxacin mesylate is a novel des–fluoro (6) quinolone with unique Pharmacokinetic profile that promises to cover a wide spectrum of sensitive and resistant organisms commonly encountered in community acquired infections including PRSP or BLNAR strains. Garenoxacin has been structurally designed to ensure high potency against Gm positive, Atypical & Anaerobic organisms with negligible potential for resistance development. Garenoxacin approved in the worldwide market since 2007 has been documented in over 10,000 patients with community acquired respiratory tract infections or Community–acquired Pneumonia when used as initial– or second–line therapy

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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NEW FRONTIERS IN COMMUNITY ACQUIRED PNEUMONIA: GARENOXACIN MESYLATE, Payel Bhattacharji, Krishnaprasad Korukonda, Hanmant Barkate, Janani Mishma INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-2 | February-2019

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