Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

Need of new conservation paradigm due to climate change in the age of humans.

Dr. Renu Bala Singla

Abstract :

 In what is being called the Anthropocene epoch, the Age of Humans, we have become a force of nature. Humans  have dramatically changed the speed, pathways, and components of the biogeochemical cycles of the Planet. Aquaculture, urbanization adds new habitats that pose novel challenges and opportunities to the survival of organisms and species. The undergoing changes of the biota that result from the environmental shifts affect the rate or speed of ecosystem functioning, but not the fundamental  functioning of ecosystems. New paradigm for conservation in the Anthropocene could be applying adaptive conservation to all human activities. This notion is different from traditional conservation in that conservation principles are relevant to all human activities, not to protected  areas only

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Dr. Renu Bala Singla Need of new conservation paradigm due to climate change in the age of humans. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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