Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2014

Necessity of E–Learning in B.ed Program

Mayur Patadia

Abstract :

Nowadays, the educational role of technology has grown tremendously in several ways proving that technology use is definitely capable of, and important for teaching learning process at all levels of education. It means that it can be an efficient tool to increase access to instruction and education system where there are financial, cultural, geographical, and physical barriers. Use of technology in education system can produce very fruitful results in teaching learning process. One of the most effective uses of technology over the past decades is the emergence of e-learning. E-learning has become increasingly important in higher education institutions. Considering the importance and effectiveness of e-learning, recent year have seen a dramatic increase in both the uptake of e-learning within higher education. Students are undoubtedly considered as a key element in the successful e-learning enabled teaching learning process. Therefore in this paper, the importance of e-learning in higher education and advantages of utilizing elearning for the students are studied.

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Mayur Patadia Necessity of E-Learning in B.ed Program International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014

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